Friday, July 5, 2013

Sweet Summertime

It’s been some time since my last post. Sorry about that! Life has been busy and hectic. I work in the theatre industry, so the spring and early summer is consumed by all things Tony Awards. If you’re not familiar, it’s the Academy Awards of Broadway and is a night of glitzy glamour and, hopefully, huge wins and star-studded parties. A few coworkers and I managed to take some pretty shots on an empty street. Don’t we look classy?

Now that we’ve past the July 4th holiday, summer in New York City is in full swing. This means sweaty, stinky subways, tourist filled streets, and most importantly, outdoor drinking and weekend trips to beachy destinations. I started the summer a few weeks ago out in Southampton with a group of my best friends—visiting some of our favorite places. During the summer, it’s essential to get out of the city and relax, laugh and breathe in some fresh air. The deck of one of my best friend’s house has a view that can put any stress out of mind. Whether having morning coffee and conversation, or a dance party at 6am after coming home from a night out, it always provides memories.

While in the Hamptons, we made a trip to town, where I snagged a great summer case from C Wonder on sale for $24. It’s bright and patterned, and a welcome change from my regular purple cover. I love it….and C Wonder! Everything is beachy and preppy and not budget-breaking. Totally my style.

Hoping to update more as the summer continues. Up next: affordable group dinners that won't break the bank.

Enjoy your July 4th weekend!

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